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A Brief overview of current and

past projects in the Community 

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UVA's Center for Diversity in Engineering:
The Research Experiences for Teachers (RET)  program is committed to providing  opportunities for interested teachers from across the Commonwealth of Virginia area to be directly involved in cutting-edge research and to use the research as a springboard for developing nanotechnology-based lessons and labs for classroom use.​  includes opportunities for paid summer research and pedagogical work as well as recruitment for attendance at outreach-related seminars, workshops, and conferences.

Project | 01

Each One Teach 1 Each One Reach 1
Education Foundation
​As a young performer, bringing educational information to audiences of all ages, through storytelling, singing, drumming and dance, I have utilized the art of the griot for edutainment. This is a collaborative project that I am working on with my mother Sylvia Tabb-Lee

For the past thirty years, Sylvia has educated audiences on Colonial American history in "The Birthpace of America!," coined by Teddy Roosevelt, Williamsburg Virginia. Sylvia began her journey in performance at the The New York Academy of the Arts.

Together with my sister, India C. Lee, a lawyer in Ohio, we are collaborating to bring engaging programs to those open to learning about the amazing history of the African Diaspora, a legacy continues...

Project | 02

Project | 03


                  FUTURE CITY, TSA & NSBE...      

                 Students in Mr. Lee's Engineering & Entrepreneurship Class, in a multi-collaborative effort with National student organizations, facilitated by Mr. Lee.  The Technology Student Association (TSA), provided our class organization models. They designed and constructed doghouses for local pets through Tammy Cavanaugh's Virginia Learning Academy (VLA) and Stacey Norris's Houses Of Wood & Straw (HOWS); two non-profit organizations to deliver pets outdoors-needed shelter.

Students in the National Society of Black Engineers developed robot designs in order to enhance environmental green features like solar panels and wind energy.  They presented these at the regional conference in Pittsburg, PA, taking second place. The Entrepreneurship class took on the Future City competition, where they utilized Sim City software to create simulations and design a city development plan to implement the "Doghouse Town," which students presented at NASA in Hampton, VA 

All of which was facilitated by local professionals as in-class mentors for hands-on assistance by companies like Mcdonough Architecture, R. E. Lee & DPR Construction, UVA Facilities Management. From AutoCAD to live tools for construction its interactive... 

My Channel

My Channel

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Project | 04


       A Native of Williamsburg, VA . Mr. Lee began          interpreting African drumming and dance from the early age of five, re-enacting its   integration, from the shores of Jamestown aka "America's Birthpllace" to modern music.  A member of the World Famous Busch Gardens "Boogie Band."


Along with the help of his African Drumming Professor, Michelle Kisliuk and classmate, also colleague Rebecca Jones, at Jack Jouett middle school. Collaborating on a grant to bring this fine program to local schools, engaging hundreds of children interactively, even sending aa few to perform at UVA with their weekly mentors and teachers.   

Project | 05

                      As a VHSL and USL Official,                             Brandon Lee takes special pride in being an           official.  Whether CIAA football, AAU Boo Williams Basketball or the Virginia Basketball Association (VABA) management for development is key.  

           Also, a personal trainer, development from early elementary through college athletes (VU, VSU, UR, JMU, VT) fordynamics of peak performance.

        These skills were enveloped as a, UVA Varsity student-athlete, also, working with NFL professionals. Once a guest coach at the former Super Bowl Champion- Chris Canty Foundation: "Camp of Champions,." A guest coach at former UVA scoring champ & NBA guard, Sean Singletary's "Fundamental Factory" or the NBAPA "Top 100" Basketball camp. 

        As an organizer of various sports leagues he works closely with organizational structures to ensure optimal participation in camps, programs, leagues, officiating, etc.       

                           Actor, Musician & Entertainer                                       Starting at the young age of five, in the                              youth choir, as well as a drummer in two                           programs at Colonial Williamsburg(CW) 
Learning the art of interpretation, African drumming and dance with the  African-American Interpretation & Presentation Dept. (AAIP), as well as classical drumming techniques in the CW Fife & Drum corps, re-enacting music.  This also took a dual platform because of the acting in the evening programs.   Participating until 16 years old, which, touring the country performing.

As an UVA Theater major I was able to gain valuable experience from technical theater to film, which I continued in to my professional career as a Drama teacher and artist.   

Project | 06

Flickr - Brother & Bobby

Flickr - Brother & Bobby

Flickr - Brother & Bobby

Flickr - Brother & Bobby

Flickr - Brandon Lee

Flickr - Brandon Lee

Flickr - #TheGossips...                    Brother, Missionary & Elder

Flickr - #TheGossips... Brother, Missionary & Elder

Flickr - Brother & Bobby

Flickr - Brother & Bobby

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Photo 2013-03-17 12.32.11 AM.jpg

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Flickr - blee06 2

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Photo 2013-03-17 12.32.11 AM (2).jpg



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Flickr - Albert & Russ

Flickr - Summer 2009

Flickr - Summer 2009

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Flickr - svea5

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Flickr - whos-next2-blee

Flickr - Summer 2009

Flickr - Summer 2009

Flickr - Summer 2009

Flickr - Summer 2009

Flickr - Young Black Professional Network Umoja Conference 2014

Flickr - Young Black Professional Network Umoja Conference 2014

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Flickr - blee13

SOCIAL ACTION- Brandon C. Lee is a man who values the idea of a holistic government, inclusive democracy and advocacy, from a community-based approach.  This has assisted in collaboration, championing the cause on several fronts for postive reinforcement of various issues. Whether, speeches for state leigslation, like "Ban the Box," marches to support Education policy, like  the "Death of Public Education,"  featured in the Huffington Post or even conference presentations & retreat.... its all about Effective Holistic-Ideas-Diversified for Efficient Education PROGRESS. 

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BLEE Newsplex Classroom of the Week_Press_edited_edited



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"UP You Mighty People!"-Marcus Garvey, HYPE, the National Urban League of Gr8ter

"UP You Mighty People!"-Marcus Garvey, HYPE, the National Urban League of Gr8ter

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BLEE GROWL Class_Benches_edited

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Flickr - svea5

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BLEE 1998 DC Cherry Blossom Parade

BLEE 1998 DC Cherry Blossom Parade

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BLEE Engineering Class Yearbook Spread_edited

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Flickr - Baby gurl @_yariaaa & Daddy #hoos @UVA #SpringGame2014

Flickr - Baby gurl @_yariaaa & Daddy #hoos @UVA #SpringGame2014

Pictured at the UVA Spring Football game 2014, with daughter, during the 40th anniversary weekend of the Zeta Eta Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc.

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African Drumming & Dance_MrBrian02

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